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Voyage en Orient
Voyage en Orient
25 janvier 2009

Heading to Magarita ville

So! tomorrow morning we fly to Phuket, the beach! for those of you who don't know. Apparently it's completely recovered from the Tsunami, we'll see. 

I feel a bit better, I decided to self-medicate and start taking some of Jean yves'antibiotics (I know, the thing you're never supposed to do!). but I feel better although a bit tired, taking it easy, eating rice and bananas (although last night, I couldnt resist, a few bites of this FABULOUS dish called sitkcy rice and mango: rice cooked in sweet coconut milk with fresh, succulent mango on top!)

We are staying in the cheap backpacker part of Bangkok, and suddenly are surrounded by Westerners. I am surprised to find myself experiencing reverse-culture shock. After India and Nepal, where people are modest and wear long pants and shirts, my eyes were actually shocked to suddenly see tank tops, super mini shorts, with high heels. The three loud, semi-drunk Scandinavians buying beer at the convenience shop, in shorts with NO SHIRT on... And we're heading to Phuket, of all places, so I'm a bit apprehensive about what we'll find there...!

What's even more strange is to see the looks on Western people's faces, which strike me as so different from the past two months: trying to find words for it, it's like anxiety, depression, pinched faces--even though they are on holiday in paradise. You overhear them talking about their divorces, or bragging to some girl they're trying to pick up that they make lots of money, but they all look sad to me somehow. And since it's suprising and somehow shocking to see these faces, I guess I must have not seen it on the faces of Indians or Nepalis or Tibetans. Is this that cliche: they are poor but happy, while we have all the comforts but are miserable? Don't know. Also suprising to see spoiled western kids demanding mom and dad's attention/ love---haven't seen that for months either.  I'ts a really different energy that I can't put words on, or even begin to explain, but those of you who've been in India/ Nepal know what Im talking about.

Off to do some last minute errands before the plane tomorrow (on an Asian low cost version of Easy Jet, which, when you go to the web page, has a big statement by the CEO about their recent safety problems and reassuring us in corporate-ease that they've fixed all the problems!) So if we crash into the Andaman sea, just know that I love you all and I died happy. :)

Hi JM, merci pour tes commentaires. comment est la situation maintenant. vous avez de l'électricité, de l'eau, est ce que l'on doit vous envoyer un peu de curry, des serviettes de bains pour vous tenir chaud ? Sans rire, j'ai vu des photos sur internet, ça a l'air d'être impressionnant, mais difficile de se faire une idée d'ici. raconte-nous.<br /> JY
On a besoin d'un petit post juste pour nous rassurer car les derniers mots de Cynthia en forme de testament n'étaient pas trés gais. Ici samedi les chats ont fait du deltaplane dans le jardin et les arbres se sont mis à traverser les rues. Ca fait un peu désordre. Je veux une photo des touristes occidentaux en thailande comme les a si bien décrit Cynthia. Cela ne donne pas envie de les cotoyer. Coté plomberie cela va-t-il mieux pour vous deux ?<br /> <br /> Jean-Michel
Voyage en Orient
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